PC Support.com will help you resolve any technical support issues you are facing remotely via our award winning remote desktop support software, Go2Assist. We ensure that you are provided expert technical support via screen share software.
Our Support for Microsoft Products Features
- Diagnose the cause of errors on your Microsoft Software
- Install patches and updates to repair errors
- Install our remote backup software and secure your data online on our secure servers
- Repair any errors you have on your Personal Computer
- Recommend software and tools to increase your efficiency with your every day work
- Cloud storage for your important files and folders
- System Optimization software to ensure your computer runs smoothly
- Anti VIrus software to protect you from further problems
Your System Uptime Assurance Plan Includes
- 24/7 unlimited on demand Tech support with our expert technicians
- Cloud storage for your important files and folders
- System Optimization software to ensure your computer runs smoothly
- Anti VIrus software to protect you from further problems
We Support All Microsoft Windows products including: